Our solution.
With cutting edge tehcnology we deliver cost effective, energy saving fiber-to-fiber recycling. Simply put, Polyester renewed.
1. We collect and handle polyester fiber containing waste of all kinds.
2. We chemically extract the polyester in its purest form for creation of new textiles.
3. The other types of fabric will be recycled by partners.
Proven path to 100% fiber-to-fiber recycled polyester with substantially lower GHG emissions.
Process for large scale recovery of mixed polyester waste back to high grade polyester materials through catalytic glycolysis.
Patented heterogenous catalyst and process for lowest cost recycling of mixed polyester fiber waste.
Start-up of 20,000 ton per year circular polyester plant within 3-5 years.
Let’s get chemical.
Splitting the polymer and removing contaminants using minimum energy through glycolysis:
Repolymerizing to new fiber material: